Apply for the Adam Burris Memorial Scholarship
**Applications for 2024 are now closed. Please check back early 2025 for the next round.**
Each year, we award one student $1000
Adam left a lasting impression on the people around him. Many found his optimism and confidence inspiring, and in turn found themselves motivated to do great things.
To honor his contribution to the lives he touched, we would in turn like to make a contribution back to the young people that have the same spirit. The Adam Burris Memorial Scholarship was created to reward students that lived like he did: with great work ethic, dedication, perseverance, compassion, and good humor.
The scholarship recipient will receive a one-time award of $1000, paid to the student. This scholarship can be put towards tuition, fees, and school supplies for specific courses.

Candidates must meet the following criteria to apply:
Congratulations to our 2024 Scholarship recipient
Lexyn is a 2024 graduate of Montezuma-Cortez high school. He will be attending Colorado Mesa University in the fall and plans to pursue Music Education as a degree. They have spent several years in MCHS’s band and choir programs as well as served as the flute section leader.
Congratulations, Lexyn, and best of luck next fall!

Previous Scholarship Recipients

With her scholarship, Amanda went on to pursue a B.A. in Theatre at Arcadia University. She will be studying abroad in London where she will be focusing on Shakespeare studies in text and performance. She has had many opportunities to perform one act plays and other short performances, and has really been loving her classes and professors.

Nicholas is an accomplished musician and aspiring educator studying Music Education at Colorado Mesa University. He has won awards across Colorado, served in various leadership positions, performed in honor bands, and is passionate about spreading his love for music.

Emily is a student at Adams State University pursuing a degree in Horn Performance. She is a member of Kappa Kappa Psi Band Honor Society and performs with several groups as ASU. She has been awarded this year’s scholarship for her perseverance and tenacity in the face of adversity.